I have a biodynamic friend who religiously made compost every year. He also turned it every 4 weeks to ensure that it was aerated and getting up to temperature. It was a lot of work. After a time he created his own living compost technique. A technique that worked for him, where he let cover crops take over the work.
He cut down the cover crops on the beds and then used his biodynamic sprays on the bed to help with the microbial populations. The cover crops on the walkways were allowed to grow again as the forage crop for insects and to attract birds.
The rows were then runover by a tilther, similar to this one from Curly’s Ag.
My friend’s compost pile had bit the dust, because it was too much work. The new system fits the way he is growing fruit and vegetables and the quantities he was producing.
I have another mate up in Bundy who is pushing 70 and he buries all the kitchen waste in the walkways of his gardens. He also places all of his lawn clippings there and wood chipped prunings. After 12 months he digs his walkways and uses that beautiful, now composted material to rejuvenate his garden beds. I have to admit, that he is pretty anal with his gardening records so knows exactly where to dig the next hole for burial of kitchen waste and garden clippings.
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