Drone Spraying E9 Soil Enhancer




Yesterday we completed our first Drone spray application of our newly branded E 9 complete biodynamic preparation.

So what is the significance of this?

The significant thing is my soil sampling protocol, which I developed back in 2007.

Take one Leatherman pocket knife, or similar & with the blade prize out a small amount of soil for observation, & storage.

Observations are around;

  • How hard/easy is it to push the blade into the soil & how hard/easy is it to prize out a small sample?
  • What does it feel like, what’s the texture?
  • What does it smell like?
  • What biology is present?
  • What are the organic matter levels?
  • What presence is there of living plant roots?
  • What is the moisture content?

Plants grow best in a soft, friable soil.

Friable Heavier Soil

I set out to take samples each time I apply my E 9, which then gives me a comparison tool to indicate which way the system is moving.

Is it in Syntropy (build up)? Or is it in Entropy (run down)? Or is it not changed?

The soil samples I then put into a zip lock bag & write where, when, & what on the bag. I then file these sample bags for future reference.

As a couple of extreme examples I’ve only been able to plunge my knife blade 5 mm into an irrigated lucerne river loam soil!

Another I broke the blade trying to extract the sample!

So on with the results!

I’m now on sample 2 having sprayed E 9 on 4/3/24, & 2/4/24.

The stand out observation was the activity of soil biology!

Yes the most awesome decomposition & digestion has been going on.

What is driving this activity?

The 6 biodynamic compost preparations, which work on DIGESTION & DECOMPOSITION.

Let’s now switch to human health, & the well known fact that much of the human dis-ease which we are now experiencing is due to what’s going on (or should I say what’s not going on) in our gut, our stomach.

What are some of the causes of the demise of our gut biology?

  • Antibiotics. Is that anti life?
  • Chemical medications.
  • Cides. Yes herbicides, insecticides.

Have we not inflicted this same regime on our landscapes?

Have we effectively shut down the digestion & decomposition processes in our landscapes with the very same products?

Is it time for us to collectively WAKE UP to the effects of the likes of Glyphosate to not only landscape health, but also human health?

You may glimpse why I get so excited when I see the decomposition/digestion processes alive & well on this farm, which till 10 years ago was a virtual testing ground for every agricultural chemical known!

Bio, bios, biology, biodynamics!

We’re talking life processes here folks, we’re working with LIFE FORCES, not death forces!

Tis time to end the WAR in agriculture, & begin to work with LIFE.

Biodynamics and our E 9 products are a really good starting point.

These products REMIND our land of how it innately functions, & CREATE THE CONDITIONS for life.

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